Gloaming, my time of day.

I love the natural cycles connected to the seasons

And the rhythms of the solar day.

Cats are crepuscular

and that too is my way …

As gloaming is my favourite time.

The glowing ambiance matches

My most animated and inspired time of day.

My soul is instilled with life.

An infilling

Where my potential meets the fearsome.

I am prepared with enthusiasm.

And in this ‘gloaming’ state I spy

right before the sun rising,

Just a hint of light in blackened sky;

an awakening.

The olive thrush emmerges and begins its call.

It is slow and steady –

Not a song at all

It sounds like a preparing for the day

and bids me do the same.

In the stirrings of my slumber I capture my dreams

they merge and move, as with slight of hand,

 once eye-opening and illuminating

now drifting like grains of sand.

I open up a space for


And  a mulling,

As I connect

with Spirit, the Source of all exhistence.

In the evening after eating

I am acutely aware of the waning of the day.

It mirrors my flagging energy

as it drains away..

I feel we are one.

I become

inanimate, emptied of motivation.

Often as I sit outside, I watch the sky deepen

from copper gold to midnight blue,

And I hear the olive thrush  bid adue.

I, grateful upon reflection,

am aware of the satisfaction.

Now daydreaming begins

As my spirit rests

while tomorrow is a new gloaming

for my unfolding ideas.

6 thoughts on “Gloaming, my time of day.

  1. Pingback: Do you know how I painted my garden table? | Morag Noffke

  2. Pingback: LIEBSTER AWARD | Morag Noffke

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