Breathe in Love and Grace

Let go of failure
and breathing out perfection
Breathe in Love and Grace.

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it”

Henri Nouwen.

In our humanness let us aim for living an authentic and unpretentious life; loving those around us, not aiming for perfection and not judging the so called failures. Let us just embrace Love and Grace.

Have a productive week, take care.

11 thoughts on “Breathe in Love and Grace

    • Thank you for visiting my blog and for sharing your link. When I try to like your blog or follow… WordPress doesn’t allow me… It is so strange I have this problem with only one other person, everyone else WordPress allows me to live and follow. That’s why I decided to follow you on Instagram but it’s not the same as following on WordPress. I will keep trying.

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